Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Australia Days 7-8

Dev during Port Douglas Dive.

Mike during Port Douglas dive. I hate people who always look good in photos, even under 20 meters of water.

We found Nemo! Yikes, sorry for that one.

Reef w/ snorkellers from above.


Sting Ray

These fuzzy blue things sucked back in to the coral really quickly if you got near them. Fun game.
Strange sand pile on the beach in Port Douglas. Anyone know what this is?

I am catching invisible shrimp.

The whole crew (L-R): Cory, Katie (Ryan's GF), Ryan, Devin, Brittany, Mike, Roxane, Jim.

This might be my favorite picture of the whole trip. The brotherly love is overwhelming.

Despite the fact that they were bleeding from the turkey bites, Mom and Dev persisted in feeding them.

Mike and Dev swimming at Mossman Gorge.

Dev not liking the Cassowary fruit at the Daintree Discovery Center.

We saw a wild Cassowary. This was one of the coolest moments of our trip.

Wild crocs from far away.
*We ate awesome fish & chips
*We ate out at the Nautilus which was beautiful. I decided I am going to have my next wedding there.
*The beauty of the beaches between Cairns and Port Douglas cannot be exaggerated.
*We did not go see Cane Toad Races. Our one true Australian regret.

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